"Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent." -Revelation 2:5.
I prefer my baked vegetables to be hot, not lukewarm, and definitely not cold. Hot vegetables warm the body and produce better digestion and metabolism, which is good for the body overall. GOD wants what's good for the Body of Christ as well. He wants a church that is consistently on fire preaching revival so that the sheep will move out and evangelize the world.
Suppose the PASTOR of any church or ministry of any faith-based ministry is not TEACHING the power of revival and evangelism. In that case, I suggest you start praying for a church or ministry that teaches and invests time in it. Lack of focus on revival and evangelism cripples the church. It causes the Body of Christ to be lukewarm. The PASTOR'S number one spiritual duty is to keep the church in a joyful revival mode. They should be aware that guiding the born-again flock into persistent revival mode empowers their evangelism within the church walls and outside of them.
For revival and evangelism to soar, every Pastor needs two major things from all the members: cooperation and unity. This can be achieved by having a weekly caring, from-the-heart Prayer service, which will give the pastor revival zeal and divine insight.
Did you know that your Pastor's job is to ensure revival breaks out and evangelism enlarges?
Every Pastor should seek personal revival and exercise evangelism before they attempt to persuade others to get involved.
Dear Heavenly FATHER,
All the honor, praise, and glory are yours. May we hear the sound of revival and answer in haste obedience so evangelism will happen. -In Your Matchless Name, Jesus, Amen.
O. M. Nugget
Expository Study:
Revelation 2:1-7
Food For Thought:
"Evangelism affects the other fellow; revival affects me." ~Leonard Ravenhill