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Writer's picture: Minister Dr. Sharon WatsonMinister Dr. Sharon Watson

In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness 8 and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us. Titus 2:7-8

Beloved O.M. Family,

Biological Fathers; Saved Godly Fathers; Step-Fathers;

God-Fathers; Surrogate Fathers; Honorary Fathers; Spiritual Fathers,

We thank GOD for you! The Bible authoritatively tells us:

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man (the father) who fills his quiver with them!" Psalm 127:3-5.

With all the civil and spiritual unrest in our country and the world today, it forbids me from joyfully wishing fathers, specifically, Black Fathers a Joyful Happy Father's Day. I really want to say Happy Father's Day, but being a mother of two black sons, one grandson and a host of nephews who are all black fathers in the middle of all this civil unrest, I choose not to say happy Father's Day. Because my heart and soul aches for them and all other black fathers on this day. Is it truly a Happy Father's Day today? Or, should we be saying: "THANKFUL FATHER'S DAY?"

When I think what we should all be doing, which is practicing being our brother's keeper one to another as JESUS commanded us to be, I conclude that we ALL should be feeling a level of uneasy heaviness for these particular times we are living in. This worldwide civil and spiritual unrest has dampened the happiness on Father's Day in my personal community. Many black fathers and families are grieving today because they have lost a son or a daughter from the hands of police fearful aggressiveness, brutality, substance abuse, sex trafficking, runaways, Amber alerts, white supremacy lies of possible suicides from hangings, sudden suspicious deaths in police custody, and much more.

Saying black lives matter is not saying no other lives matter because the truth is: "ALL LIVES MATTER TO GOD." However, the focus of O.M. is BLACK LIVES. BLACK FATHERS on this National observance for ALL FATHERS. My heart is heavy as I sincerely pray to think about the state of mind of black fathers on this Father's Day.

O Ministries Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for creating all earthly fathers equal for your glory. May the celebration of Father's Day 2020 be a thought-provoking blessing to all fathers everywhere. May earthly fathers across the world remember their calling and duties as fathers and change the world for your glory.

Amen, in JESUS name

Expository Readings

  • Ephesians 6:4

  • Hebrews 12:7

  • Proverbs 22:6

  • Colossians 3:21

  • Proverbs 14:26

O. M. Nugget


Food for thought:

Who can really answer the question of why black lives seemly do not matter in the great USA, a country that is externally founded on the principles of GOD's word. I painfully wonder what real God-fearing, Bible carrying Christian lead the pro-slavery revolution and white supremacy marches during its inception? I also painfully wonder why in 2020, black lives are still being disrespected on purpose? Pulled over and retained without a cause, inflicted prejudice for being black just because "THEY" can...just to say afterward, I MEANT NO HARM!

As the young people say, "REALLY?!"

O. Ministries has been saying for a while now, "WAKE-UP! "Truly, if it's at any time in America's history to wake-up and be sober-minded, It is now, and carrying it forward until JESUS comes. Family, it's past time to wake-up. Peaceful Marches for reform are a form of waking up, and we thank GOD for all races of people saying "ENOUGH."

Black fathers let me encourage you as Fathers to take a second look at your young, fearless children and yourself as their leader and do the right thing. TEACH, TEACH, TEACH YOUR CHILDREN. Be mindful that Father's Day is actually every day, and someday real soon, the true meaning of "Happy Father's Day" for all fathers will be as GOD intended for it be when he created Adam. Today, as you Bless your Father with Love and Appreciation, remember to be thankful that your father, especially if he is a Black father and is still peacefully living!

O. Ministries inc. strong at Work Helping Spread the Good News In 2020

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