“IF” you commemorated Holy Week today is not just EASTER SUNDAY. It is Glorious RESURRECTION SUNDAY in honor of our sinless LORD and SAVIOR of the entire world. JESUS not only prophesied His death, burial, and resurrection were going to happen, but He courageously walked it out step by step. HE taught, healed, delivered, and set free those who were physically and mentally bound. The Bible says ALL who came to him was healed. HE kept his prophesied PROMISE too.
JESUS also said...
“IN THREE DAYS, I SHALL RISE...” And HE! JESUS’s death, burial, and resurrection were cumulative. Easter-Resurrection is a perfect and sacred time for ALL unbelievers to accept JESUS CHRIST as your LORD and SAVIOR.
Today’s Easter-Resurrection Eternal Life Invitation Is:
1st, Repent of all your sins...
2nd, Ask the LORD to be your SAVIOR...
3rd, Accept and receive JESUS in your heart to be your LORD and SAVIOR
Now, rejoice out loud that you are a born-again child of GOD on this glorious Easter-Resurrection Sunday. Amen!
Commemorating EASTER-RESURRECTION SUNDAY is for ALL Christians first. It’s not about the bunny; it’s all about JESUS being the sacrificial human lamb. Therefore, we joyfully and thankfully celebrate ALL of what JESUS did in just three years.
Dear Heavenly FATHER,
Thank you for sending your only sinless son to be the human sacrifice for all mankind to be set free and saved from all their sins. HOLY SPIRIT, thank you for helping us remember JESUS’ sacrifice is the reason we commemorate the season of Easter-Resurrection.
-Amen, in JESUS’ blood-stained name forever.
O. M. Nugget:
Expository Reading:
Matthew 28:1-20
Food For Thought:
“Unless there is Good Friday in your life, there can be no Easter Sunday.” -Fulton J. Sheen
O Ministries Inc. Strong At Work 2022
✝️ Happy Easter-Resurrection Sunday