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Writer's picture: Minister Dr. Sharon WatsonMinister Dr. Sharon Watson

“Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set.” -Proverbs 22:28 KJV

“Don’t cheat your neighbor by moving the ancient boundary markers set up by previous generations.” Proverbs 22:28 NLT

Black History Month is a perfect time to refocus and raise awareness on Ol’ Time Religion. Proverbs 22:28 refers to cheating your neighbor out of their land or property. This ungodly and unlawful perpetration is done by manipulating records or moving property stones. In today’s time, this process looks like uprooting the surveyor’s stakes or altering legal property documents. However, no matter how you look at it, “cheating your neighbor” reminds me of the need to sing the old Negro Spiritual “GIMME THAT OL’TIME RELIGION.”

In other words, it’s the old-time GOD Fearing Religion the whole world needs now. The religion that was and is GOD’S HOLY PRESENCE. It was that religion that made you Praise and Worship GOD in a sanctified way. Where is that religion today? JESUS said the Body of Christ is the salt of the earth and the light to the world. The light and the salt in today’s Christianity are very difficult to find and see. Today’s so-called religion does not resemble the Old Time Religion from years ago. The Old Time Religion was GOD fearing; it made you feel special about who you are in CHRIST.

The Old Times religion was all about the Family of God respecting and honoring GOD wholly. The Old Time Religion would make you REPENT and live for GOD wholly.

The Old Time Religion would make you live a Holy life and EVANGELIZE the world, raising awareness that SALVATION is JESUS' way only. It is not hard to see that what this dying world desperately needs now is some Ol’ Time Religion about our Old Fashioned GOD who does not CHANGE…(Malachi 3:6a) What the world needs now is Bold…Courageous…God-Fearing followers of JESUS CHRIST to tell the world how to live a victorious, old-fashioned life that honors GOD to bring Glory to His Holy name. We, the Body of Christ, should be leading the “GIMME THAT OL’TIME RELIGION” revolution.



The old-time religion was good enough for our Spiritual forefathers and it should be good enough for us in today’s age because our Great Holy GOD will never change.


Thank you for being a never changing GOD. Thank you for remaining our never changing FATHER even as the world changes constantly. You remain the same. Father, may your Holy Presence recalibrate our hearts to worship You in spirit and truth. -In JESUS's Name, Amen.

O. M. Nugget:


Expository Study:

  • Jeremiah 6:16-30

Food For Thought:

Isn’t it amazing that we are all made in God’s image, and yet there is so much diversity among his people. -Desmond Tutu

O Ministries Inc. Strong At Work 2024

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