“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me . . . a stranger they simply will not follow, but will flee from him, because they do not know the voice of strangers."
John 10:5 & 27.
They say Cristiano Ronaldo has one of the most popular Instagram accounts as of January 2023. He is a Portuguese footballer with 539 million followers. And Instagram's own account was ranked first with roughly 600 million followers. The news on that platform must be profitable to their followers. I wonder why millions of followers follow a person and a platform that doesn’t have any SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY, SPIRITUAL POWER, OR SPIRITUAL DOMINION.
The good news is that the most famous man who ever walked the earth is still a natural and spiritual deliverer, healer, and transformer. His followers are estimated worldwide to be over 2.2 billion believers. His name is JESUS. He is the LORD of LORDS…KING of KINGS, and EVERLASTING SAVIOR to all who accept Him and FOLLOW Him. Being a JESUS FOLLOWER is light and eternal life. And we grow stronger and become more like Him.
When we FOLLOW JESUS, it's like sunflowers following the sun across the sky. Following JESUS's light is the template He left behind to be our joy, happiness, and peace, even if things around us are chaotic.
Thank you for sending your only son to be our Lord and Savior. FATHER, it is an honor to be a JESUS follower and obey His commands. We pray that the Holy Spirit will remind us consistently to be proud of JESUS' followers all the days of lives. -In JESUS's Name, Amen.
O. M. Nugget:
Expository Study:
John 10:1-30
Food For Thought:
“Grace is easy. Life is hard. So follow Jesus if you must, seek the face of God if you must, but don't be surprised if, after a while, it feels like you've been battling angels in the darkness. Seeking God's face in a fallen world is not the easy life; it's the good life, and a good life is always a life of worthwhile stories and worthwhile struggles.” -Mike Cosper,