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Writer's picture: Minister Dr. Sharon WatsonMinister Dr. Sharon Watson

 “When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, “I am God Almighty; walk before me faithfully and be blameless.” Genesis 17:1 NIV

EL' SHADDAI. Holy El’ Shaddai, our great GOD ALMIGHTY. When GOD introduced Himself for the first time to a ninety-nine-year-old man, he said,” I AM EL’SHADDAI,” the Almighty GOD…the All-Sufficient GOD and the GOD of more than enough. When Abraham heard those powerful words, “I am GOD Almighty, walk before me faithfully and be blameless. Then I will make my covenant between you and me and will greatly increase your numbers,” he was probably flabbergasted. Imagine hearing GOD’s thundering voice reassuring Abraham.

GOD was telling Abraham not to lose sight of the promise He promised him. GOD was still speaking to him. From the time He commanded him to leave his country until the announcement of the Abrahamic covenant, GOD was exposing Himself to Abraham. He did it in a time of what seems like a human impossibility. GOD told Abraham and Sarah, "you will have a son and descendants," because I am EL’SHADDAI. The unlimited-impossible- more than enough GOD.

And our great GOD was true to his word to Abraham and Sarah they did have a son, and his name was Isaac. Let me assure you this same Almighty GOD is still reigning on the earth today doing greater things, “still” releasing His purposes and plans for His dear children.

EL’ SHADDAI, the living GOD who is “still” speaking to those who listen, believe, and have faith in His promises. He is saying “I AM” is “still” that over-powering, eternal life giver, most Holy and excellent GOD of more than enough.

Question: "Is EL’SHADDAI your GOD Almighty?"



EL’ SHADDAI is the over-comer and the promise-keeper for you.


Dear Heavenly FATHER,

Oh, great almighty GOD. Thank you for being our great GOD of more than enough.

Your overflowing abundance is more than enough. Thank you for announcing that you are the EL’ SHADDAI, the GOD of all impossibilities. - Amen, in JESUS' Mighty name.

O. M. Nugget:


Expository Reading:

  • Genesis 1:1-27

Food For Thought:

“El Shaddai. My all-sufficient God who is able to handle all my needs. Everything I will ever need I can find in Him. Think about that for a moment. Do you sense the power He offers us in those words? There is nothing, absolutely nothing in your life that He cannot handle.”

— Diane Moody

O Ministries Inc. Strong At Work 2022

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