“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ." Colossians 3:23-24.
There is an old song that goes like this, “May The Work I Have Done Speak For Me.”
Work has mission fields. What does your mission field look like these last eleven weeks of 2021? Notice in the text it says “whatever” meaning all the work you do in everything you do, every year you are living. That’s a lifetime of mission work. Every Christian of every race is to work "heartily.”(the Greek phrase ek psyches, meaning "from the soul.) We are to not just work but do it with joyful enthusiasm and passion for the LORD.
Apostle Paul's words remind us that, regardless of our station in life, GOD is the only one ultimately judging all we do. Every mission in life we do is really for Him. From the lowest to the highest-paid leader, every Christian is called to work for GOD’S honor. We do not work "for men" or earthly goals, but we work to Glorify our good Heavenly Father. Living and working for the Lord's Glory and your good should be your last eleven weeks of your mission journey for 2021.
Because, “whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” O.M. family our daily mission work is relevant in our personal life, immediate family, job fields, and community.
A good daily mission work attitude makes an amazing difference in one's personal life and the lives you influence.
Dear Heavenly FATHER,
Thank you for sounding the last eleven weeks of 2021 are moving rapidly. May we focus on doing our mission work from the heart so that it pleases you for our good. - Amen in JESUS name.
O. M. Nugget:
Expository Study:
Colossians 3:23-24.
James 4: 13-17.
Food For Thought :
“The success or failure of our work as a church or mission depends, in the last resort, largely, not in the number of preachers we put into the field, nor on the size of our congregations, but rather on the character of Christianity we and our work produce.”
- Duncan Campbell